Walked a very brisk four miles with my friend Jill this morning. It seems that's all I do these days, workout in some way, and grade papers, and cry over my son. I have a great capacity for love. I give it unconditionally to anyone I allow myself to love. Of course, that naïveté has come back to bite me in the behind as of late. I am an intuitive person too. I do not normally get blindsided, but I guess when you have so much on your mind, when you are distracted, when you trust without question, then things can be easily obstructed from your otherwise normal line of vision.
I cannot worry about all of that. People will be who they are. I was stuck in a position that was foreign to me. I just thought in my fairy-tale-we-will-all-join-hands-and-be-best-friends world that we could all become friends. If she wants to read about my life, then why not meet me, reassure me that she is not posting those comments, learn more about me. I never wanted to hurt her at all. I know little to nothing about her other than what I've been told. There are always two sides to a story. I would love to hear hers.
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