Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Things that happen on a Tuesday.

My first follow-up appointment, and he said I look great! He being my doctor. He said I looked fit, that he could tell I had been working out, and there was a rosiness to my cheeks. We joked that was probably due to the Lupus, but I am still cancer free as a honey bee! (insert victory dance here)
I also decided that short hair is not for me. I finally went really short, kinda retro classic if that makes any sense, and I just don't think it is becoming on me. Everyone I ran into said they liked it, but I often wonder if people really mean "that." They love the hair and not how it looks on me necessarily. In any case, I am going to grow it back out, again. Since it looks like I may be here for another eight years or so, my hairstylist, Jessica, said she would not cut it, no matter what I said. She is a badass. I will not argue with her for sure.
I want to complain about Mitt Romney, and his droning on about Obama's lack of business sense and blah, blah, blah, BUT today was such a great day all-around, that I am going to let it go. Romney puts me to sleep most days anyway. I was forced to listen to him on the TV while at the doctor's as the waiting area was loaded with the elderly, singing his praises.
On another note completely, I got several emails from this student today. Now I am pretty laid back as a teacher for the most part. I have thick skin when it comes to criticism by my students, but this student, David, well, he seems to think that because he can actually, read, write and think already, that the rest of the class, me included, is beneath him. He actually said that he had to enlist the help of his two friends who have doctorates in literature in order to get decent responses to his writing. I thought, "Does he even know that he is speaking to his professor?" Well, I do not warrant that title completely, as I am a year from defending my dissertation, but I already have my committee and everything. That should count. My years of teaching, those should count. My awesome evals for all those years - SHOULD COUNT! I am so tired of students, who yes, are at levels much higher than the majority of my students, continuously taking this position that somehow they are so much better. They talk to me like I must understand since I have "to deal with 30 plus students who don't know the first thing about writing a paper. I am sure it is like herding cats." WHAT?! In a very nicely worded reply, I told him that I would certainly try to "step up my game" but "my lack of a doctorate might keep me from meeting his expectations." Booyah!

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