Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I wish the election would get here already

I am tired of all the name-calling and personality-clashing. Seriously, most voters already know all they need to know about the candidates if said voters have been paying attention at all. Although I do not watch TV, nor do I own a TV, I am still suffocated by the barrage of images in my periodicals, Tweeter feed and blog readings. Enough already!

Democrats and Republicans alike are allowing their darker, seemingly less attractive side to come out into the light. I realize they are already politicians, with skeletons in the closet and slick lies on their tongues, but give the citizens of the US some credit. Yes, there are some extremely gullible individuals who believe anything they hear, without evidence, without researching the story. However, there are an increasing number of educated, informed voters who want to make a difference. These are the people who have started to tune out all the mud-slinging and begun digging into the verifiable facts.

While in Iowa, "the Romney campaign, knowing it would face attacks on Ryan's Medicare proposal, counterpunched Tuesday with a new ad accusing Obama of cutting more than $700 billion from the popular entitlement program."

Does Romney even know what entitlement programs are? He is supposed to be this astute businessman, yet he lets statements like this be attributed to his campaign? Since the entitlement program budget is close to half of the entire spending budget, and has been for some time, it is ludicrous that such cuts would be made this quickly and without anyone knowing it. As government-supported programs (Medicare included), entitlement programs have specific people who have the jurisdiction to change the laws in regards to the allotment of funds, and I am fairly certain these people, usually motivated by their own interests, are not in the habit of just cutting 700 billion dollars from their programs without something leaking out.

Did Romney's campaign think saying something like this would really distract voters from Ryan's hijacking of Medicare funding? I wish we could move away from government funded programs, income taxes and social security as they were all created as a temporary fix, but I also do not want anyone making snap decisions about programs that will negatively impact my parents and grandparents.

Here's what I would like to see - a blackout of all political ads, debates and shenanigans until the election. Let people have some time to weigh the evidence which has already been there for review and allow them make an informed decision without the whole dog-and-pony show. Let people think for themselves. What a novel concept.

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