Tuesday, October 11, 2011

If you knew when you were going to die ...

If you knew when you were going to die, what would you do? I have been thinking about traveling to places I did not get to visit or re-visiting my favorites. I have even been contemplating just moving overseas. There is not really anything keeping me here, and Zach is pretty mobile. He said he would like to learn another language anyway. So what would you do? Learn to fly a plane, scuba dive, climb Everest?

I would want things to be different, I think. I mean, who wants to be in a situation where just about everything is out of your control? I keep cleaning the house, running, biking, and being nearly neurotic about things I can control. It is the only way I can keep my sanity. I could become incredibly irresponsible and just not care about anything and turn selfish, but what would be the point in that?

Right now I would settle for a night's sleep. Notice I did not even say "a good" night's sleep. I just want to close my eyes and drift off into some semblance of sleep. I did sneak a little nap in the other night between 2 and 4am, and I dreamed I was in India with my ex-boyfriend, Ben, and we were eating at some local's house, and they served us a monkey's head with steaming brains and a pair of chopsticks. I am not sure what that meant, but it cannot be good.

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