Thursday, May 24, 2012

when I was down, you were there

First full week off of all my medications, asthma and steroids included, and I am barely making it. Ran 3, 13 minute miles (frowny face). I am a waterfall of sweat, and the pain shooting through my knee almost has me down.

The other thing I lost that seemed to keep me moving was Michael.

I know none of you thought you would hear me say that, but he was constant. I realize he wanted me to be who I am not. Still, he trained with me, supported me when I thought I could not make it one more step, through one more treatment. He held my head a time or two over the toilet, and brought me butter mints when the nausea got to be too much. I do not think I gave him enough credit for the things he did right.

I miss you Michael, and I'm sorry I never told you what a good friend you were to me. I took you for granted, which I never meant to do. Even though we had different ideas about our relationship, you stuck by me when others couldn't. Thanks for being there for me when I really needed it.


  1. Thanks for the props. You did thank me and appreciate me and tell me what you wanted from me. I did not listen. I am a better man in knowing you. We are still friends. Let's get together when I get back into town. Miss you too. Watch Strictly Sexual yet ;)

  2. Definitely want to get together when you get back. Thanks for being so great. Yes, I watched it, and it helped ;)
