Friday, October 5, 2012

Debate debacle

That debate was ridiculous! I kept waiting for them to actually get to some reals plans, some real issues, and they kept side-stepping all the questions asked by Jim Leher, as well as talking right over his mild-moderator-persona.

So what are their plans really? Where do the desires of the people come into play? It is like they are still little boys who want to be President when they grow up. Well grow a pair will you, PLEASE! I don't want any more finger pointing or name calling. We all know what the last decade or so has brought in terms of debt, unemployment and international snafus. What are you going to do about it? Don't throw statistics and percentages at me. Give me some sound declarations of what will happen.

I downloaded and read both "plans" for the future, for the working class people of the US, and I can say that I am NOT impressed with either candidate at the moment. I want someone to step up to the podium and actually address unemployment, lay out a rational plan, and then support it with researched ideas on how to implement this so called plan. I do NOT want to hear how it worked in my state before and can work again. I do not want to listen to how it has only been four years and plans are still fermenting. John Q public is tired of the double talk regardless of party affiliation. It is time to take a stand and meant it.

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